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Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

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Bubbo | Streaming recommendations

The ultimate in experience  with personalized AI.

Filtra por tus plataformas favoritas.

Recibe lo mejor de lo mejorsolo para ti.

Guarda lo que te gusta en tu watchlisty nunca te quedes sin saber qué ver.

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

More than 1 million titles in one place.

Bubbo | Virtual assistant with AI


interactive virtual.

Before Bubbo

Stop exploring endless catalogs.

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

It's time to hit play.

Ahorra más de un90% de tiempoeligiendo qué ver

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

Enjoy like never before.

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

Descubre nuevo contenidoen streaming.

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

Personalized recommendations

with AI.

In the world there are more than 5,000 million people who use this type of services. Which translates into consumption that exceeds $900B in the entertainment industry and SVOD platforms.

The market reaches 83% of homes with connected television.

Bubbo global market

A problem with an attractive solution.

Our value proposition offers a solution to the market so that users no longer waste time exploring infinite catalogs and discover content with a high percentage of affinity.   

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming
Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

Do not look any further. Your movie finds you.

Javier Pérez CEO Bubbo

Javier Perez

Founder & CEO

Antonio Trigueros

Co-founder & CTO


Valentin Playa

Head of Sales

Juan Martinez


Juan Martinez


Juan Martinez


Juan Martinez


Sergio Hornillos


Rafael Menchero


Juan Martinez


There is no better place to meet Bubbo.
We inform you about the technology and its operation, milestones and much more. And we will explain it to you without technicalities.

Do not entertain doubts.


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Join more than 50,000users in Spain.

Bienvenido a la nueva eradel consumo en streaming.

Nuestro team

Bubbo | What to watch in streaming

Play now. Wait never.

Winner TikTok Ad Awards Greatest Small Business Spain 2023
Innovation Award 2022 Emprende 22 Awards by La FEDE


Power the future of entertainment with AI. 

Streaming AI Solution

Contact us

+34 677 20 06 17

Zaragoza, Spain.

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